6th Grade Religion

6th Grade Religion Blog

Our 6th grader Religion Class has started off strong.  We know the overview of what we will be doing and learning in Religion Class this year and the fun projects and focus of our learning and experiences.  Check out the things your students will be doing  (below) and ask them what they mean.  We are all set up on technology and ready to go.  Just an FYI, though I am going paperless this year for Religion Class and heavely using Google Classroom, if you run into an issue with an online assignments, ask and I will get a paper copy for you/your student.

  1. Homework and Quizzes and Test…OH MY!
  2. My Mass Reflections
  3. Bringing the Saints to the World…www!!!
  4. The Passover and the Seder
  5. The Exodus – Hanging with my Friend, hopefully not for 40 years!!!
  6. ASAP – Always Say a Prayer

If you missed the Parent Curriculum Meeting on Wednesday Night, check out the link to the right – Mission and Objectives for information you missed.

We started off focusing on the Mass and really talking about it being the Source and the Summit of our Catholic Faith.  We need to return to the source to be filled up each week, to be filled with new life, CHRIST’S LIFE.  Parent’s this is a great video the students watched in class this week about the Mass.  Catholic international speaker Mark Hart breaks it down wonderfully, take a look. Students, check it out again as it is a great message.

We also discussed the students Mass Reflections. Click to the right on MY MASS REFLECTIONS to see what your student will be reflecting on and looking up for their reflection.  Reminder, this only needs to be done once a month….HOWEVER, we should still be going to Mass every weekend.